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Public Places


Public Places

The air is filled with bacteria and viruses that are undetectable to the naked eye and thus inescapable. These pathogens are the culprits behind community-acquired diseases. Many infectious diseases or allergies are caused by airborne or droplet transmissions, including common cold, influenza, allergic rhinitis, and liver inflammation. Danger lurks in every corner.

Public places like restaurants, supermarkets, malls, parks, or cinemas are often crowded, so bacteria transmission occurs easily and is hard to prevent, making us susceptible to infections. The risk increases if we do not wash our hands immediately after touching handrails or doorknobs, or if we inhale infectious droplets after someone coughs, sneezes, or talks. AQ’s patented formula can effectively eradicate all microorganisms and organic compounds in the air, thus restoring the cleanliness of an area. This is not only a blessing to people with allergic rhinitis or asthma, but it can also effectively reduce cross infection, hence successfully creating a safe space for all.

To achieve this, tilt the GP Multipurpose Formula (Hand Spray) so the nozzle is pointing upwards at an angle and spray once every 10 square feet, repeating every 2-4 hours, increasing the amount and frequency according to the number of people in the area. When used together, AD-47 Purification Spray can make this process faster and more convenient for larger areas. Another suggestion is to install AQBOT at the entrance and exit of a public place as it can rapidly sanitize a person from head to toe. AQBOT is simple and safe to use, and its use can increase customers’ sense of security.


Recommended Products:
General Purpose + Nano Sanitization Gun AD-47 + AQBOT


Public Toilets

Public restrooms are a hotbed of infectious diseases. Bacterial agents are commonly responsible for acute respiratory infections, skin disorders, and even candidiasis secondary to bacterial infection. Furthermore, the toilet paper provided in public restrooms is often contaminated by splatters of toilet water or the humid environment. The risk of bacterial infection is high if the contaminated toilet paper comes in contact with the body.

AQ’s Natural Health Technology Water contains no chemical substances, is safe to consume, has no side effects, and can effectively address all toilet hygiene issues. Spray the restroom area, toilet seat, and toilet paper with GP Multipurpose Formula (Hand Spray) to minimize exposure to bacteria. Putting down the toilet cover before flushing can prevent bacteria from dispersing in the air and affecting our health. After using the toilet, spray the area multiple times to deodorize. This can help you maintain your image and avoid awkward situations. For those with lower immunity, spray from head to toe before entering the restroom and repeat after leaving to prevent infection. Use generous amounts when bringing infants or children into public restrooms to shield them from illnesses.

AD-47 Nano-Purification Spray should be used in conjunction when cleaning the public restrooms for a deep, thorough disinfection. With its wireless design, it is easy to use and can eliminate germs from every corner of the restroom.


Recommended Products:
General Purpose + Nano Sanitization Gun AD-47



Schools play an important role in educating the next generation. Unfortunately, schools are the main reason behind cross infections between students. Schools have many group activities - students and teachers are cooped in the same room every day, and there are frequent interactions among students in the classroom, hall, gym, and at the field. This increases the risk of touching germ-infested items such as handrails, doorknobs, stationery, tables, chairs, gym equipment etc. If a student carries a contagious disease, it is likely that others will be infected.

Young children have less awareness about hygiene, so it is ideal to place an AQBOT within the school as it is a simple, safe, and convenient way to sanitize every student before entering school premises. Before starting classes, clean the entire school using AD-47 Nano-Purification Spray to eradicate bacteria and viruses that linger in the air or on surfaces. It is also suggested to install AD1000/AD1100 Air Sanitizing Fogging Machines or AD3880 Air Sanitizers to be used together with the GP Multipurpose Formula as these products prevent cross infection using forefront air disinfection technology.

Parents can prepare a Portable GP Multipurpose Formula for their children and hang it on their bags so that they can maintain their hand hygiene at all times. Before sharing stationery or other items with classmates, spray KD Children’s Formula over the items to disinfect them. To safeguard children from illnesses, parents should also remind their children to sanitize their hands with AQ before touching their eyes, nose, ears, or mouth to prevent infection.


Recommended Products:
General Purpose + Toddlers Formula + Air Defender AD3880 / Air Defender AD1000 / Air Defender AD1100 + AQBOT + Nano Sanitization Gun AD-47



Office workers spend 8 or more hours in the office every day. If the workplace is filled with countless bacteria and pollutants, an employee’s illness can have a domino effect on other workers’ health. How can office workers overcome this issue?

Several factors increase risk of bacterial replication, including touching the keyboard and mouse throughout the day, tightly closed windows, and breathing in recycled air from the air conditioning system. Plus, there is little space between colleagues, which makes it easy for cross infected to occur, and no one can escape this fate. Creating a safe and healthy working environment is crucial as a poor working condition will negatively impact working efficiency and consequently reduce the productivity of the whole department or company. Besides routinely cleaning the air conditioner and reducing air pollutants, it is also important to practice good personal hygiene by staying at home if you feel unwell. This prevents the spread of illnesses to colleagues, which in turn may become a vicious cycle.

AQ provides the optimal solution to create a germ-free working environment by choosing natural disinfectants to maintain working space hygiene and reduce bacteria mutation. AQ’s GP Multipurpose Formula or VC Environmental Formula can effectively disinfect the area and break down harmful substances like formaldehyde. In public places, this can be used in combination with the AD1000 Air Sanitizing Fogging Machine, the AD3880 Air Sanitizer or the AD-47 Nano-Purification Spray to disinfect and sanitize large areas, thus reducing the negative effects of air conditioning and the risk of cross infection between colleagues. It is recommended to install an AQBOT or an AD2300 Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser at the entrance to be used together with GP Multipurpose Formula. All visitors and employees who enter or exit the premises will undergo a full-body sanitization and a thorough hand sanitization to ensure that no bacteria clings to their hands, effectively protecting each person’s health.


Recommended Products:
General Purpose + VOC Treatment Formula + Air Defender AD3880 / Air Defender AD1000 + Auto Hand Disinfector AD2300 + AQBOT + Nano Sanitization Gun AD-47



Food is our life source. It is not rare to see people eat out for every meal. However, from the moment you enter a restaurant, you are at risk of microbial exposure. When you push the door open, pull out a seat that many have touched, or read the menu, your hands become covered with germs. If you eat your meals without washing your hands prior, or use utensils that have not been cleaned appropriately, you are essentially ingesting the pathogens. In the comfort of our homes, it is possible to disinfect the utensils using boiling water, but in public places, an antibacterial wipe may not be enough to eliminate all the germs. Plus, the chemical substances should not be consumed. So, how can we properly disinfect the utensils?

AQ provides an all-natural option to fight germs. AQ Health Technology Water is formulated with natural plant extracts. It has no additives, is non-irritating, non-toxic, and safe to ingest. Before eating, spray the utensils with GP Multipurpose Formula (Hand Spray) or wipe the table, utensils, and your hands with DT900 Antibacterial Wipes to eradicate germs from all surfaces.

Stationing an AQBOT at the entrance is an easy, safe, and convenient way of providing a full-body sanitization for each customer and can put customers at ease. It is also recommended to place an AD1000 Air Sanitizing Fogging Machine or an AD3880 Air Sterilizer in the restaurant itself while disinfecting the dining area and kitchen routinely using the AD-47 Nano-Purification Spray in conjunction with GP Multipurpose Formula (Hand Spray). This cutting-edge air disinfection technology provides a safe environment for customers to enjoy their meals.


Recommended Products:
General Purpose + DT900 Disinfecting Wipes + Air Defender AD3880 / Air Defender AD1000 + AQBOT + Nano Sanitization Gun AD-47


Medical Institutions

Health hazards hide in the corners of hospitals and clinics. Wearing a mask is the most basic protective measure, but it is far from enough. While the air is filled with germs, doorknobs, handrails, elevator buttons, rubbish bins, restrooms, sickbeds, walls etc. are also covered with bacteria. If we are inattentive, we are at risk of bringing these “uninvited guests” back to our homes. So, what should we do to protect ourselves and our families from infection?

If this is a concern of yours, AQ is your saviour as it uses high-efficiency air disinfection technology. AQ’s biotechnology has decoded bacteria and virus chains, hence it will not lead to resistance. Before entering the premise, liberally spray GP Multipurpose Formula (Hand Spray) from head to toe to prevent germs from adhering. After touching any items, sanitize both hands with GP Multipurpose Formula or use the AD-47 Nano-Purification Spray so that the germs do not spread to other body parts. For seamless protection, spray your whole body and all your belongings once you exit to kill any germs that have clung to your clothes or body.

It is recommended to install an AQBOT at the entrance and exit of hospitals and clinics so that patients and visitors can undergo a full-body sanitization. This can prevent them from bringing more bacteria and viruses into the premises. Station AD3880 Air Sterilizers or AD1000 Air Sanitizing Foggers along the corridors and inside the rooms, and couple them with GP Multipurpose Formula to achieve 24-hour air disinfection. Routinely disinfecting the surroundings with AD-47 Nano-Purification Spray can further ensure elimination of infectious agents.


Recommended Products:
General Purpose + DT900 Disinfecting Wipes + AQBOT + Air Defender AD3880 + Air Defender AD1000 + Nano Sanitization Gun AD-47


Elderly Homes

The elderly tend to have poorer immunity. As humans age, the skin starts to lose its ability to kill bacteria and becomes susceptible to bacterial invasion and erosion. This leads to numerous skin disorders and is the main cause of “old person smell”, which brings much discomfort to the elderly.

For bedridden patients, frequently spraying GP Multipurpose Formula on their body and belongings can effectively prevent infections. Besides acting as a sanitizer and an anti-inflammatory agent, this formula also creates a temporary barrier against invaders, hence reducing skin inflammations and allergies. It does not worsen the immunity and can speed up recovery. For those with skin disorders, frequently spraying BM Skin Formula on the skin can combat free radicals, strengthen skin tissue, increase metabolism, relieve itch, prevent dryness, lighten age spots, and act as an antioxidant.

It all comes down to strengthening immunity of the skin, fighting bacteria, and getting rid of malodour. Besides regularly spraying AQ on the site of infection, placing an AQBOT within the nursing home allows the occupants to easily disinfect their whole body as it is simple and convenient to use. An alternative is to install an AD1000 Air Sanitizing Fogging Machine or the AD3880 Air Sterilizer and pair it with AD-47 Nano-Purification Spray to disinfect the surroundings. This also helps to replenish the body’s energy quickly so the body can repair itself while boosting its immunity, consequently improving overall quality of life.


Recommended Products:
General Purpose + Body Mist + AQBOT + Air Defender AD3880 + Air Defender AD1000 + Nano Sanitization Gun AD-47



Travelling is an event worth getting excited over. However, your body may not be accustomed to bacteria found in other locations, so you’re more susceptible to infections. Furthermore, hostels, restaurants, and hotels have varying hygiene standards. Should you fall sick, it will be a miserable trip. Severe infections will not only burden the body but also the wallet due to the high medical fees overseas. It is therefore important to increase awareness of cleanliness and prioritize daily sanitization, especially for children and elderly who have poorer immunity.

When staying at a hotel, remember to liberally spray GP Multipurpose Formula on the bed, toilet, closet etc. to thoroughly clean and disinfect the room. Bring along the 28ml Portable GP Multipurpose Formula when visiting crowded destinations and spray from head to toe, including all your belongings to reduce bacteria adhesion and avoid bringing these germs back to your accommodation. Before eating, practice good hygiene by sanitizing your hands, the table, and the utensils using GP Multipurpose Formula or DT900 Antibacterial Wipes to ensure that the environment is free of pathogens. With AQ as your companion, you and your loved ones can enjoy a safe and blissful vacation.


Recommended Products:
General Purpose + DT900 Disinfecting Wipes



The outskirts of town have a lot of hidden dangers that can be detrimental to health. When we go hiking, dirt bike-riding, kite-flying, or camping, there is a risk of getting insect bites, sustaining injuries, or running into unexpected situations. Under conditions where hand-washing is improbable, how should we deal with this issue?

Compared to lugging a first-aid kit, bringing AQ Health Technology Water along is much more convenient. GP Multipurpose Formula is a natural bactericide. It can staunch bleeding, disinfect wounds and skin, neutralize insect saliva, provide a protective barrier for the skin as well as purify the environment, and eliminate odours emitted by organic compounds, effectively solving multiple problems at once! It is a must-have item for all outdoor enthusiasts.


Recommended Products:
General Purpose + DT900 Disinfecting Wipes


Public Transport

Hong Kong has a well-developed transport network, and many people make good use of public transport when commuting to school or to work. Objects that come in direct contact with passengers likely have a higher bacterial load. The most obvious item would be the handrail, but bacteria can cover the surface of other items such as the seats, glass panels next to the seats, stop bell buttons, vent covers of air conditioners, gate machines for subways, elevators etc. Plus, these places are always packed with people, especially during peak hour, thus increasing risk of cross infection.

After touching any surface, it is important to wash or sanitize your hands immediately to prevent spread of the bacteria from your hands to the mouth. However, it may be hard to do so in public. Therefore, the convenient and easy-to-use AQ is your best companion when leaving the house. Bring along the 28ml Portable GP Multipurpose Formula or the hand spray version and use it before boarding a vehicle to ward off any germs. If you touch any surfaces while on the vehicle, sanitize your hands with DT900 Antibacterial Wipes. After alighting, spray GP Formula all over your body to eliminate any remaining bacteria.


Recommended Products:
General Purpose + DT900 Disinfecting Wipes


Nursing Room

Mothers are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of breastfeeding and have jumped on the bandwagon to provide better care for their babies. However, in malls, most baby changing facilities are situated next to or even inside the ladies’ restroom, where the air is filled with germs. If the changing station is not disinfected before using, both mother and child are at risk of contracting the same disease.

Although equipment like the changing table or the diaper changing pad can be cleaned with common disinfectants, the chemical substances in these disinfectants may irritate the infant’s tender skin. Therefore, it is imperative for parents to prepare non-irritating disinfectants for their children. In this case, AQ’s KD Children’s Formula is the best choice for infant care!

Before entering the baby changing facility, spray KD Children’s Formula (Hand Spray), which is a mild formula, over both the mother and infant for head-to-toe protection. Next, spray the room with a large amount of GP Multipurpose Sanitizing Hand Spray to kill any airborne pathogens. Ideally, install an AD3800 Air Sanitizer in the room to ensure that the bacterial load is constantly low. Finally, use DT900 Antibacterial Wipes to disinfect all the equipment. This can overcome all hygiene and health issues, allowing the mother to care for the baby without worry.


Recommended Products:
Toddlers Formula + General Purpose + DT900 Disinfecting Wipes + Air Defender AD3880


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